Saturday, March 27, 2010

What is your perception of women with short hair?

I have noticed that ever since I cut my hair short (yes, it is VERY short) that I get a lot of people who tend to stare. For a female, having short hair is certainly out of the ordinary, but I'm wondering if there is something more to it.

What do you think of women with short hair? Does your mind jump automatically to homosexuality?What is your perception of women with short hair?
I have pretty short hair; it's about ear-length. I keep messing with it - coloring and such, so I cut it so it looks healthy.

But yeah, I've gotten the lesbian crap before. I laugh and tell them I'm the prettiest lesbian they've ever seen. :)What is your perception of women with short hair?
sorry, i think i might be a starer!

personally i don't have the jaw or neckline to really pull off short hair so i find it fascinating when other people do. plus short cuts tend to all be pretty different and many people who have them are hair experimenters so they try different colours and stuff too so it's always interesting to look at people with short hair. and short hair really draws the focus to a woman's face, cheek bones and jaw especially. my best friend recently got her hair cut short and i think it's awesome!

so i just find it really interesting to look at the bone structure and hair style, deciding if i like it and if the person has the features for that sort of cut or colour. i think also short hair can look strangely feminine and sexy, and because it's so unconventional for short hair to be like this it makes people look.

my mind never jumps to homosexuality, most women these days with short hair have really good stylish cuts and wear fashionable clothes too, stereotypical lesbians with short hair are supposed to have rough cuts and wear big jeans and t.shirts. these most women do not fit that stereotype so it doesn't occur to me to think that. so sorry for staring but i'm looking at you because i think your hair is pretty!
Lots of women look pretty feminine with short hair, even very short...unless it's like army short/shaven, then that's harder to pull off. Don't go Sinead shaven and you should be fine.

I don't assume women with short hair are lesbians, no haha That's silly.

If they look masculine *and* have short hair, then I would though, because really, it tends to be true more often than not.

In general though, nope. I just figure they got tired of longer hair and went for something new and short, or enjoy something low maintenance =o)
I think women should embrace their hair and make it pretty, whatever the length.. It's ok to have it short as long as they are doing something fun with it and it is not just a buzz cut. If it is, then yes, I might think they are a lesbian as I would assume they are not trying to attract males
No, of course not. Short hair is easier to manage.

I did have short hair for a while. ( Working around machinery, it seemed the sensible thing to do.) It was like a chin-length cut with feathering on the sides and top.

Most people didn't look twice. On occasion, I got asked if I was lesbian, but it was very rare.

lol, I guess the flannel shirts ( cold factory buildings), short hair and jeans threw some people off.

I mean I wish I was bold enough to have my hair cut that short!

Honestly, I did when I was younger %26amp; I hated it=P

People were mostly staring 'cause they were unsure of my gender; I was wearing a lot of pants, etc.

But overall I could care less I mean it's easy to maintain %26amp; practical.
some girls.........actually look better with short hair. but not all girls.

it depends on what looks best on you.

if you are talking like a buzz cut...then that is a problem.

i tend to like chinese women with long, silky, jet black hair.

so maybe you are messing up a bit yes?
Maybe it is just people getting used to seeing you with short hair.

Or you thinking people are staring at you more because you are still not used to having short hair.

I think most people do not even think about it that much.
As long as the woman is of average weight, it's fine. It's more about matching the right hair style with the right body type. If you are overweight and have short hair, get ready for some strange looks.
homosexuality??? Absolutely NOT! I think it screams confidence and elegance! Especially if its a cute short cut! People stare because they're probably just stupid... people will stare at anything these days. So don't worry about it!
it is unusual, that's why people state, especially if it is uncommon in your area.

I always found women with short hair super-sexy and feminine.
I've had long hair, short hair and every length in between.

I don't automatically jump to any conclusions about anyone.
depends on the style/color and their choice of dress

anyone that thinks a chicks a lesbian cuz she has short hair isnt playin with a full deck
No, of course not.

My friend shaved her head for the whole fight-cancer thing.

She looks cute, and what she did was so nice!
depends on how short/age and what shes wearing theres lots of old women at church with short hair
I dont like it - not at all

unless its Halle Berry of course
nope, unless it is a man style
Homosexuality doesn't come into my mind if a woman has short hair. It depends on how a woman walks and how she is dressed. I base most of my opinion on how a woman speaks and acts.

I have long hair. I dress in masculine clothes sometimes and people are intimidated. I love to wear large heavy boots because they are practical and comfortable. No matter how I dress I always look feminine and I do act like a lady.
Some women it looks good but most I don't like it. It looks to Masculine in my opinion. Unless shes very thin an curvy I wouldn't suggest it to a woman.

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